Latest News (Archive)
News Update 13/06/23
A new video, showing the historical growth of the High Street has been added. For all similar videos please see the link button .
News Update 25/05/2023
The Society has expressed its thanks to the Baptist Church for being 'home to the Society since its foundation in 2012' by planting a black cherry tree in the Garden alongside Kingston Road. You can see the images by clicking the Recent Activities button below.
Robin Gill (our Secretary) has kindly made his post card archive collection available to our archivist to scan and a sizeable quantity of post card images have been uploaded to this site for Old Malden, Motspur Park and Worcester Park, which although strictly is outside of Maldens and Coombe, there ARE certain locations deemed as Worcester Park which are in the area of the old borough. History is history and whether or not an image is outside our area, we consider Worcester Park is close enough to be of interest. You can see the images by clicking on the Photographs and Scans button below and watching or scrolling through the slide shows.
We shall be at the forthcoming Farmer's Markets on 3rd June and 1st July and also at the Malden Craft Fair on 8th July. Come and see us!
News Update 21/04/2023
We have been at a number of Farmer's Markets and handed out out new 'colouring-in' bookmarks for the passing youngsters among us.
We have had regular meetings and the feedback is always positive so why not come along?
News update 1/12/2022
Come and see us at the Farmers' Market on Saturday 3rd December.
We have added a 1938 Official Guide to Maldens and Coombe. Click on the link button below.
News Update 8/11/22
People have started asking us about the link between New Malden and Bees and whether or not there is any truth that Norbiton and Surbiton were associated with honey. In short, no they were not.
Please click on the link button below to read the fact, as opposed to the fiction displayed in the Jubilee Square.
News Update 15/09/22
The Society is deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and our thoughts at this time extend to all that the loss has affected. It will, understandably, affect some people more than others but, in the spirit of continuity that immediately follows the death of a monarch, we pledge our support for the succession and to His Majesty King Charles III - God Save the King.
An opportunity arose to view some pieces of the Borough of Malden and Coombe silverware taken into the possession of Kingston Council at the time of the 'amalgamation' and restructuring in 1965 and currently displayed in the Mayor's Office at the Guildhall (as well as in Kingston museum). We have uploaded images under the Photographs and Scan section - see link button below.
News Update 13/09/22
September is a time for two Heritage Weekends. Buildings have 'Open Days' and guided tours are conducted. David Henry presented two such tours at the Church of St John the Baptist, Old Malden, last weekend, one on the coats of arms displayed within the church and the other on the styles of headstones in the churchyard and symbols on them. David has kindly provided his account and feedback resulting therefrom which can be viewed in full by referencing 'Recent activities'
Please also consider the link button below to 'Publications and Papers' which will take you to a separate page wherein David has written a number of papers from which his tours have evolved.
News Update 24/08/22
David Henry has submitted a really interesting paper on the Stained Glass Windows in the doors, porches and windows of Alric Avenue. There is also a piece of art detective work at the end of the paper.
You can view this, along with his and our members' other papers, under the Publications and Papers section . (See header above or click on button below).
Please note that, following a request from a resident, whose house was featured, this article has (for the moment) been withdrawn
News update 12/07/22
We are back having monthly meetings as before, once each month, on Wednesdays, 7.00pm at the New Malden Baptist Church on Kingston Road. (See Meeting Dates for details under the 'Meetings' tab above).
David Henry has submitted 'Another Window' a follow up to his earlier paper ' One Window' and this comprises an expansion of information on Heraldry and Armory, by looking at a further window of St John the Baptist Church, Old Malden. You can view this, along with his and our members' other papers, under the Publications and Papers section . (See header above or click on button below).
News update 04/07/22
Under Publications and Papers, David Henry has submitted really interesting and informative papers regarding St John the Baptist Church, Old Malden as well as providing colourful images of Butterflies you might see on the Bee line Way and an article about a Malden man instrumental in the production of the King James version of the bible.
David has also submitted an intriguing paper on the origin and meaning of the name 'Malden', questioning whether it actually means 'Cross on the Hill' as is generally accepted. You can download the paper and read
These are presented under Publications and Papers and will make you look at churchyard crosses and heraldry in a stained glass window of the church, in a new light. Please look at and enjoy the papers submitted. (Click the link button below)
News update 21/06/22 - The Longest Day
David also took an enthusiastic group of members around The Groves, looking at Architecture and other points of interest. For David's report, please click on the button below or visit Recent activities
News update 20/04/22
Just added under Archive/Documents/Booklets is the 1934 Official Guide to The Maldens and Coombe and, if you are interested in the Malden Care Scheme , annual reports for 1975-1987 have now been added under Archive/Documents.
In addition, under Publications and Papers, Abigail Hernan and David Henry have provided a valuable and interesting update to the paper AND QUESTION "Where EXACTLY is Maldens and Coombe?"
David has also submitted a really interesting and informative paper on Classical Architecture in New Malden. It is presented under Publications and Papers and will make you look at the buildings you regularly pass (or perhaps live in!). He has also posed some questions in his paper on Malden Mysteries and provided a paper studying artistic details on a memorial cross in Old Malden.
You may not have looked recently but we have updated the photographic archive of post cards and various views. Using colourising software, provided by the My Heritage site, we have brought a number of the old black and white images to life. See what you think. Go to the Archive tab above and then click on the Photographic Archive Button. There you can start and watch as a slide show or scroll through manually to review and read the various postcards.
One seldom thinks of the devastating damage caused to the Maldens and Coombe area during the Second World War or the efforts of all those who 'cleared up' the rubble. In memory of the heretofore 'un-recognised' efforts we have uploaded (in the Archive section) bomb damage photos taken after each raid. A glance at a few of the images will make it immediately clear the task they (and others across the country) had then and, sadly, as others in Eastern Europe have, as I write.
Sadly, the Victorian rooflight 'Dome' at the Fountain Public House has been removed and is irreparable so thank goodness we took the image below available on our greetings cards.
See also: